
Excel Import Feature List

Product Features

Create a new list from an Excel spreadsheet with field mapping

Import Excel spreadsheets automatically by schedule

Export selected items or columns to an Excel or .csv file

Import Excel spreadsheet to any existing SharePoint list

Automatically or manually map fields between Excel spreadsheet and SharePoint list

Check duplicate records when importing

Select the row range of an Excel Sheet to import

Preview Excel data in real time

Supports all column and content types in SharePoint

Supports most popular list types, including Custom list, Calendar, Contacts list, Tasks list, etc.

Supports filtered Excel spreadsheets

Supports .xlsx (Excel 2007/2010/2013/2016/2019), .xls (Excel 2003), xlsm and .csv files with rich format

MS Office not required

Records detailed error messages when a Spreadsheet fails to import

Provides a quick way to import sheets in succession

Retains the last column mapping rule on list

Shows the maximum number of rows of a selected sheet

Allows users to specify a column linked to the Edit Menu

Compatible with Column View Permission 4.11 and above

Supported Environments

Microsoft SharePoint Server Subscription Edition

Microsoft SharePoint Server 2019

Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016

Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013

Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013

Supported Browsers

Microsoft Internet Explorer 8/9/10/11

Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome

Supported Languages




Simplified Chinese

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