​After changing user’s logon name in AD, the user get "User does not exist" erorr, when a user tries to reset his own password. The username and password  are correct as the user is obviously able to log into SharePoint.



The user information list still stores the old information in short period after changing the AD properties. The Password Reset works based on the user information list, so the error shows up when the user try to reset password.


The user information list will update automatically later, so after refreshing, the user will be able to reset password.


To upldate the User inforamtion list manually.

1. Go to site settings, click “People and Groups”.
2. Change the GroupID to “0” in the URL, it should be shown the URL like this  /_layouts/people.aspx?MembershipGroupId=3, change 3 to 0 and press Enter.
3. The user will able to see the all users and groups in the list. This list has the same information as the user information list.
4. User is NOT able to reset the password until the name has been updated.


Applies for: SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2007

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