Whenusing Password Change Web Part, the expiration notification emails are alwayssent to the older email addresses. How can I fix it? Solution: Firstly, please navigate to All People page (http://siteurl/_layouts/15/people.aspx?MembershipGroupId=0) to check the user’s email address and ensure the address is updated in this list. If you already change the user’s email address in active […]
Category: Password Change
Always get error message “The password does not meet the password complexity policy requirements.” when change password?
When I try to change his password using Password Change Web Part, I alwayserror message “The password does not meet the password complexity policy requirements.”,even the new password meet the policy. How can I fix it? Solution: Firstly, please check the user account in application pool and ensure the account has the permission to change […]
How to customize the URL for “Password Change” page
The default URL for "Password Change" page is http://site URL/layouts/Brandysoft.SharePoint.Admin.PasswordChange/PasswordChangeForm.aspx, this is an article about how to customize the URL for "Password Change" page Solution: Attached PDF articlePlease see the document: How_to_customize_“Password_Change”_page.pdf Applies for: SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2007
Both old and new password is available after changing password
After changing the password via the Password Change, it still allows user to login SharePoint via both old and new password. Solution: There is a buffer after changing the password, usually Microsoft SharePoint will keep the old password for 1 hour by default, so during this period, both old and new password work. It happens for huge […]
How does password notification works
How does a password expiration timer job detects which users to send password expiration email to? Solution: It doesn’t retrieve user information directly from LDAP, but get the current AD maxPasswordAge from AD root node through LDAP, then search the user by the user logon name among entire AD, then get user’s pwdLastSet. Finally calculate […]
A constraint violation occurred error
Error "The specified domain does not exist or cannot be contacted." or "A constraint violation occurred" occurs when I try to change password. Solution: The errors may be caused by these reasons: This occurs often in multiple domain environment. The product support only two-way trust between domains. Please make sure with domain administrator about this information. The domain […]
Why is the Notification E-mail not being sent?
Why is the Notification E-mail not being sent? Solution: Activate the feature named Password Change E-mail Notification Timer Job in Central Administration. Navigate to Central Administration – Application Management – Manage web applications. Select one web application, and click Manage Features. Activate Password Change E-mail Notification Timer Job feature. The account which run Timer job […]
Cannot receive the expiration emails
Cannot receive the expiration emails in Password Change. Solution: One of the reason is the Timer Job running in the WFE which don’t have a valid license, the email will not send. Applies for: SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2007