We are using theExcel import in our SharePoint 2016. Can you tell me how to import columns thatare Multiple Lookup fields? Solution: Please split the values with “; ” in Excel spreadsheet and then try toimport to the lookup column. Applies for: SharePoint 2019, SharePoint 2016, SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010
Category: Configuration
How to send notification emails to updated email addresses?
Whenusing Password Change Web Part, the expiration notification emails are alwayssent to the older email addresses. How can I fix it? Solution: Firstly, please navigate to All People page (http://siteurl/_layouts/15/people.aspx?MembershipGroupId=0) to check the user’s email address and ensure the address is updated in this list. If you already change the user’s email address in active […]
Always get error message “The password does not meet the password complexity policy requirements.” when change password?
When I try to change his password using Password Change Web Part, I alwayserror message “The password does not meet the password complexity policy requirements.”,even the new password meet the policy. How can I fix it? Solution: Firstly, please check the user account in application pool and ensure the account has the permission to change […]
How to remove additional characters when export data of Cross-Site Lookup column?
When I export data of Cross-Site Lookup column to Excel, there are someadditional characters. How to remove them? Solution: Please go to Central Administration > Application Management > Manage Web Applications, select the corresponding web application and click Manage Features on ribbon, then activate the Cross-Site Lookup Data Adapter feature. Applies for: SharePoint 2019, SharePoint […]
How to remove additional characters when export data of Cascaded Lookup column?
When I export data of Cascaded Lookup column to Excel, there are some additionalcharacters. How to remove them? Solution: Please go to Central Administration > Application Management > Manage Web Applications, select the corresponding web application and click Manage Features on ribbon, then activate the Cascaded Lookup Data Adapter feature. Applies for: SharePoint 2019, SharePoint […]
Display the user name instead of Distinguish Name
When sync a user name to a list column, it shows DN property instead of real name, like: CN=Michael Jackson,OU=Musician Dept,OU=US Singer,DC=US,DC=local How to show the name only but not domain information, etc.? Solution: The reason it shows the DN is the column is mapped to a single line of text, change it to a […]
Picture is not showing on SharePoint
I have mapped the picture (thumbnailphotoattribute) to a column, but the picture does not show after synchronization. Solution: Please check the settings below: 1. The pictures will be attached to list items during synchronization, you must to enable Attachment feature in the list. 2. If you have mapped thumbnailphoto to a Hyperlink or Picture column, […]
"Upload Documents and Check In" option is not available or greyed out
Upload Documents and Check In option is greyed out or Unavailable. Solution: The option is greyed out: Please check the browser using, it does not support under Chrome, Firefox, only works in IE. This is a limitation of SharePoint. The option is not available: Please make sure the product is deployed under the current web […]
"Your confirm link has expired or you have already reset your password"
Error message occurs when clicking the confirmation link: "Your confirm link has expired or you have already reset your password" Solution: Possible reasons: The confirmation link has been clicked once The confirmation link has expired, it would be valid for 10 hours by default Applies for: SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2007
"Cannot reset password for user: xxxxx"
An error message occurs after entering a user name to reset the password: "Cannot reset password for user: XXX." Solution: Possible reasons: 1. The format entered is not correct. It should be "Domain\username". 2. Password Reset is not configured in Central Administration side. Please follow the online tutorial to initialize the current domain. Applies […]