There are the log errors but the product works fine, and the error message is pretty much like the following ones:
‘SharePointBoost.LicenseManagementCenter’ (id:46cd899c-569d-47c8-8b11-38aaf5af02f6) using attributes (ControlSrc=”, ControlAssembly=’SharePointBoost.License, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=15fd9ef9a2ec3a95′, ControlClass=’SharePointBoost.License.Management.RedirectControl’: System.ArgumentException: The control with assembly name ‘SharePointBoost.License, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=15fd9ef9a2ec3a95′ class name
Run this tool by administrator, after that, choose the site and list, on the right hand, click the button "delete all invalid".
You may download this tool by this link: (2010) (2013)
Applies for: SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010