SharePoint is a ECMS and BPM Platform, Stupid
What is SharePoint? It is a question, seriously. Even if you ask folks who have been working with SharePoint for a long time, fact is that their answers cover a large spectrum of possibilities. Some of them may even scratch their head and say they do not know. Do not believe it, read on! In […]
Back to Basics: Introduction to Libraries
I like sharing stuff from Microsoft SharePoint Blog. Even the most basic of its uses never cease to shed me some light and some tips when using SharePoint. This post talks about libraries and its uses, how to maximize it, its features and how it works with other parts of SharePoint A library is a […]
DRAG AND DROP EMAILS: Outlook to SharePoint
SharePoint Outlook Integration allows for dragging and dropping which simplifies moving e-mail files to SharePoint from Outlook. Without this tool, moving files from Outlook to SharePoint is a lot of work depending on how many files there you have. There are many reasons why SharePoint Outlook Integration will shorten the transfer of e-mail files process […]

How to Configure Claims Based Authentication for Use with an LDAP Provider in SharePoint 2010
Using an LDAP provider with form authentication means that users will user their Windows or AD account to login. However, because form based authentication will be used they don’t get the usual popup, but they will use a sign-in page to login in. The following steps will help you set it up: First, create users […]

Four New Companies Partner Up with SharePointBoost!
Time flies so fast, we’re almost halfway through 2011! Winter in Beijing is finally over! It’s spring – trees and flowers are starting to bloom, and the weather’s getting warmer, though at times it gets really windy not to mention the sand that comes with the wind! We are proud to announce that for April, […]
Synchronize Sharepoint 2010 content with Outlook 2010
The purpose of integrating Outlook to SharePoint is so that it would be easier for people within a group to collaborate. Outlook has become the most popular e-mail client for any MS network and SharePoint is also popular for collaboration purposes. But these two applications were still opened and used separately. SharePoint is opened on […]