Understanding Usability
Usability is being emphasized more and more by companies and is being taken a lot more seriously in recent years. In this note, we will discuss and review some key concepts related to usability to help you to better understand them. Usability Basics Usability measures the quality of a user’s experience when interacting with a […]

Exporting a site, list, or document library using Windows PowerShell
This Learning Note documents an example of using Windows PowerShell to export a site, list, or document library manually. Preparations: 1. Run Windows PowerShell as Administrator. 2. Before you begin, create a folder on the local computer or the network to store the backups. Actions: 1. On the Start menu, click All Programs.

How to Enable SSL Web Sites in IIS 7
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption protects confidential or personal information sent between a client and a server. When SSL is enabled, remote clients access your site by using URLs that start with https://. In this learning note, I documented the configuration steps, which will enable SSL for a URL so that the Web address will […]

How I Learned the SharePoint Ropes
When I first heard my colleagues talking about “site collection administrators” and “site owners” in SharePoint, I felt completelylost.Technical term after technical term heard from the voices around me, was like trying to make sense of a language I’d never heard before.I thought it was hopeless.