Data Connector or Business Data List Connector: Which is the best for you?
There are two products out there that will help you import and export business data between SharePoint list and external data sources and help with data connection, Data Connector by BoostSolutions and Business Data List Connector by Layer2. These two programs are fairly comparable but let’s take a closer look what the similarities are and […]

Out of box SharePoint experience enhanced with Data Connector
The recently released Data Connector by BoostSolutions is a fast and effective way to import and export business data between SharePoint list and external data source. It enhances your out of the box experience and increases your productivity and efficiency. Currently there are three methods that one can use to import external data sources to […]

Data Connector: A friend that helps you connect
The recently released Data Connector by BoostSolutions is a fast and effective way to import and export business data between SharePoint list and external data source. Currently there are three methods that one can use to import external data sources to SharePoint lists: using the method Microsoft provides, developing code, and Data Connector. The method […]