Save custom configuration data with SPPersistedObject
SharePoint is very strong as a development platform. As strong as it is, thereare still some disadvantages for developers. For example, poor performance of operating list items can be frustrating. Also,trying to store custom data can prove to be a not so simple task. To develop a product which needs to use a large amount […]
How to update an item or a folder without triggering item event receiver
In SharePoint platform, we know, when we update an item or a folder, we should run the updating code with with elevating privileges, and set the item’s web’s “AllowUnSafeUpdate” property true. So we update an item will be like this: SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate(){ SPSite site = new SPSite(siteId); SPWeb web = SPSite.OpenWeb(webId); SPList list = web.Lists[listId]; SPListItem […]