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SharePoint 2013 Web Parts and Add Ons

We are proud to announce that most of our products are fully compatible with SharePoint 2013.

Our Support Plan includes Free products license upgrades for SP2007/2010 to SP 2013 migration.

Download 30 days free trial to see how our products meet your business needs in SharePoint 2013.


SharePoint 2013 Column Permission

SharePoint 2013 Column/View Permission

Protect your sensitive data in SharePoint by assigning column or view level permission based on customized conditions. With SharePoint Column/View Permission, you can hide confidential information from certain employees and limit who can view or edit items, columns and documents.

SharePoint 2013 Excel Import

SharePoint 2013 Excel Import

SharePoint Excel Import allows business users to import an Excel spreadsheet into SharePoint list and manually map data fields.

SharePoint 2013 Reminder.

SharePoint 2013 Alert Reminder Boost 2.0

SharePoint Alert Reminder Boost enables you to send Event-Triggered Alert emails and Timer-Triggered Reminder emails which enhance and optimize your company’s workflow.

SharePoint 2013 check in

SharePoint 2013 Batch Check In

Are you ready to stop messing around with the time consuming and tedious task of manually checking in each document one by one? SharePoint Batch Check In allows you to check in an entire group of documents all at one time.

SharePoint 2013 cascading lookup

SharePoint 2013 Cascaded Lookup

Effortlessly pull existing data from different SharePoint Site Collections, build parent-child relationships to columns to allow data entered in one field to determine the options presented in another.

SharePoint Data Connector

SharePoint 2013 Data Connector

Transfer business data between SharePoint lists and external data sources.

SharePoint 2013 password.

SharePoint 2013 Password Change & Expiration 3.0

SharePoint Password Change is a powerful password change web part, allowing users to change their own passwords based on the password policies set by administrators. Administrators can also configure notifications to alert users before their passwords expire.

SharePoint 2013 Active Directory Sync.

SharePoint 2013 AD Information Sync 2.0

SharePoint AD Information Sync gives administrators an easy way to synchronize user account/computer profile information from Active Directory to a SharePoint list.

SharePoint 2013 AD Pack

SharePoint 2013 AD Management Pack

AD Management Pack is a suite of four powerful SharePoint administration enhancements designed to ease the burden of SharePoint administrators. Comprising of Password Change, AD Information Sync, AD Administration, and AD Self Service, AD Management Pack greatly boosts SharePoint administration productivity by delegating non-system critical tasks related to AD to users, and integrating AD operations with SharePoint.

SharePoint 2013 AD administration.

SharePoint 2013 AD Administration

The SharePoint AD Administration web part allows administrators to delegate user management capabilities and Active Directory administration permissions to specific users so they can create, manage, and delete users and groups, reset other users' passwords.

SharePoint 2013 Active Directory.

SharePoint 2013 AD Self Service

IT administrators can now authenticate users to manage their AD information directly in SharePoint. Administrators can fully control which properties may be edited and by whom, and can record all changes in a downloadable log file or in optional email notifications.

SharePoint 2013 list collection.

SharePoint 2013 List Collection

Roll up pertinent list items from multiple lists across a site collection into a single, auto-updating data view that you can filter, group, sort and display according to your specifications. All changes are automatically synchronized with the source data, ensuring that everything is accurate and up-to-date.

SharePoint 2013 List Transfer

SharePoint 2013 List Transfer

List Transfer enables SharePoint users to copy and move documents or list items across SharePoint libraries and lists in an instant!

SharePoint 2013 Permission Report

SharePoint 2013 Permission Report

SharePoint administrators can generate various SharePoint permission reports based on account, permission level, permission inheritance and more.

SharePoint 2013 permission boost

SharePoint 2013 Permissions Boost

SharePoint Permissions Boost is the all-in-one solution for SharePoint permissions management. With it, administrators can configure view-level, form-level, and item-level permissions for any SharePoint list.

SharePoint 2013 Calendar Rollup

SharePoint 2013 Calendar Rollup

Collect calendar events from SharePoint list, Exchange, Google calendar and other SharePoint external content type which makes this a powerful tool for team scheduling, planning and management in SharePoint.

SharePoint 2013 Cross site lookup

SharePoint 2013 Cross-Site Lookup

Need to look up information from list in other site and filter Cross-Lookup field by selecting list views?

SharePoint Lookup Pack

SharePoint 2013 Lookup Pack

SharePoint Lookup enhancement tool consists of SharePoint Cross-Site Lookup and SharePoint Cascaded Lookup.

SharePoint 2013 Permission

SharePoint 2013 Item Permission Batch

SharePoint administrators can now assign item-level permissions to users and user groups for all items in a SharePoint list as well as quickly remove all custom permission settings within a specific list and restore defaults for specified users or user-groups in bulk.

SharePoint 2013 workflow.

SharePoint 2013 Permission by Rule

Automatically assign permissions to users and user groups for items in a SharePoint list as they are created or modified, or retroactively apply item-level permissions for previously existing items within a SharePoint list.

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